Monday, March 12, 2012


I'd like to introduce you to my newest blog contributor Dina who is my personal nail polish expert, she'll be sharing all there is to know about nail polish trends in a few posts. Read more below to get started with part one...

{Dina} I have a very real and very expensive addiction to nail polish. I'm a sucker for neutrals, a lover of corals, completely gone for fireman reds…I could go on but I'm sure you understand. I do have a tab on my browser simply named 'Nails' (see manic obsessive picture below) and have no shame in admitting to my life-altering addiction of pretty nails.

I love interesting shades and tend to shy away from traditional reds and pinks…which is all most salons usually have. That's what prompted me to start my collection. Why put yourself at the mercy of the nail salon's paltry selections? Nail trends are often overlooked and they really shouldn't be - it's the easiest way to elevate your look. A great color puts me in a good mood and actually makes me more confident about my appearance. We're quite lucky to have mostly sunny weather in the Middle East (although August weather sometimes doesn't really feel like a blessing) so we have the unique freedom of altering our nail polish whims to our moods rather than season appropriate colors. Essie & OPI are my go-to favorites.
As important as the color is, every foundation needs a good base so invest in both base coat and topcoat. I love Essie's First Base base coat but OPI's Start-to-Finish duo top and base coat is perfect to keep in your purse for touch-ups. However… Seche Vite is the ultimate topcoat if you're willing to ignore the strange smell as it's applied. When you've joined the world of Seche Vite nail's probably the first sign of your descent into nail polish addiction.
1. Fast-Drying Topcoat by Seche Vite
2. First Base Basecoat by Essie
3. From Start To Finish Dual Topcoat & Basecoat by OPI
4. Matte About You Topcoat Matte Finisher by Essie

Other more specialized products (which not everyone may need depending on how healthy your nails are) include Essie's Ridge Filler and Dior's Crème Abricot Fortifying Nail Cream.
The world of nail polish addicts is a world unto itself - which is why I'm scarily familiar with common nail jargon.
Dupes: Nail polish that is extremely similar to that of another brand, thus they are dupes. If your wallet is crying out against buying the entire Dior Vernis collection, then look for dupes from less expensive brands.
VNL: Another secret…VNL is my pet peeve of life. Standing for 'Visible Nail Line', VNL is a sadly common occurrence to those who prefer sheer polishes (I loathe sheers, if you like sheers then I will likely consider you an alien) . I'm kind of the complete neurotic opposite - I'll apply three or four coats to avoid the dreaded VNL
Jelly: Certain colors go on more smoothly than others - they're well pigmented and have a flawless finish that sometimes renders top coats unnecessary. Many Essie polishes are jellies - and super easy to apply.
Sheet Marks: Let this be a lesson to you, future nail polish addict. The cardinal rule of nail polish is to NEVER EVER apply it before going to bed. Unless you want to wake up to what looks like a botched finger print attempt, apply at least two hours before bedtime.
Matte: Exactly what it sounds like, matte nails are a huge trend currently. It's all about having nails that are 'matte' rather than shiny. Although some brands, such as OPI make special matte nail polishes in certain colors, your best bet is to invest in a matte topcoat (like the one mentioned above) so you can use it with whatever color you like. I'm a bit of a shiny topcoat type of person, but this is something everyone should try once.

Next time, nail polish trends dominate I will share yet more of my obsession with you guys, including what additions are MANDATORY* to your nail polish collection.**

*They really are mandatory.
**I assume that everyone has a collection (probably due to my unhealthy fixation on nail polish). If not, then get started! It's the ultimate instant gratification to have oh-so-pretty nails.

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